Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Where is my MIL?

Just like a game of Where's Waldo, some people may wonder where my beloved MIL has been these past few months.

Basically, she is "punishing" us, by not calling or visiting. It's on account of an email I wrote to her that said, "Please take me off your spam list."

Why? Why did I do this? Good question. Here are my answers:

- She annoys me to no end. So when I see any email from her, it fills me with dread.
- She cc's all, instead of bcc'ing like a normal person.
- She sends the lamest emails, "Amber alert!! A girl has gone missing in San Bernadino County. She has brown hair and is wearing jeans. Have you seen her? If you see her, call the police. Please pass this to 50 people you know, so little Juliette can be found and can come home."
- She, a Republican, knows I am NOT a Republican, but will send me emails asking for me to sign some petition to keep Bush in office, or something equally inane.

But the straw that broke this camel's back was one of these political emails. She sent out an email that was akin to this (btw, she didn't write the email, just forwarded it from one of her friends):

My parents worked for more than 60 years, mom as a nurse and dad as a baker. They were American citizens, they paid taxes, they went through all the legal channels to get things done. They did what they could just to get food on the table for me and my siblings.

Now these immigrants are coming from all these other countries. They shop at Nordstrom and The Gap and chat away on their cell phones. They don't pay taxes. My parents paid taxes their whole lives and never once bought anything extravagant for themselves....[more bullshit]. America is for Americans. God bless America!

I was livid! It took every ounce of restraint to not email her what I really wanted to say:

Your parents came from Europe, did you know that's not in North America? That means they were immigrants too, so shut your pie hole! Take me off your stupid spam email list. For that matter, don't send me any more personal emails and please remove my cell phone number from your memory card or I will get my number changed.

The woman is either trying to insult me, or she's too stupid to know that an email like that is offensive to me (and to her for that matter). What do you think?